High-volume PCB vs. low-volume PCB: Differences and choices in electronic fabrication methods

High-volume PCB and low-volume PCB are two common production methods in the electronics industry. There are some differences in their production quantities, costs, delivery times, degree of customization, and so on.

High-volume PCB production usually refers to the production of thousands or even tens of thousands of PCB at a time, this production method is suitable for the need for mass production of standard products, such as computers, cell phones, televisions and other electronic products. Due to the large production quantity, the cost of high volume PCB fabrication is relatively low and the average cost per PCB is small. Also, due to mass production, manufacturers can complete production faster and shorten lead times. However, because this type of fabrication is standardized, it is less adaptable to customized requirements.

In contrast, small batch PCB fabrication is more suitable for electronic products that require a small amount of customization, such as medical devices, industrial control systems, and scientific research equipment. Due to the small number of small-lot PCB fabrication, the average cost per PCB is relatively high. However, since each PCB is customized, it can be designed and manufactured to meet the unique functionality and specifications of the customer’s specific needs. In addition, low-volume PCB fabrication also allows for faster adaptation to market changes and technology updates.

In addition to the above differences, there are also some differences in the production process and material selection between high-volume PCB and low-volume PCB. High-volume PCB production usually uses automated production lines and standard materials to increase productivity and reduce costs. Small batch PCB production, on the other hand, may require more flexible production processes and special materials to meet customer customization needs.

In conclusion, high-volume PCB and low-volume PCB each have their own advantages and disadvantages, which need to be evaluated and decided according to the actual situation when choosing the production method.

In the electronics industry, PCB (Printed Circuit Boards) are critical components that provide support and connections for electronic components. When considering the production of PCB, you may be faced with two choices: high-volume PCB and low-volume PCB.Here are the factors that go into choosing which method to use:

First, we need to clarify the definitions of high-volume and low-volume production. Typically, high-volume production refers to producing thousands or tens of thousands of PCB at a time, while low-volume production usually refers to producing hundreds or thousands of PCB at a time.


High volume PCB are usually cheaper to produce. This is due to the fact that the larger scale of production makes it possible to fully utilize the efficiency of materials and production equipment. In addition, the cost per PCB is lower because fixed costs (such as equipment depreciation and employee wages) can be spread over more products.

However, costs can be higher for small-lot production. This is because equipment needs to be set up and adjusted for each production run, which requires time and labor. In addition, the efficiency of materials and equipment may not be fully utilized due to the small production scale.

2.Lead time

Large-scale production can usually be accomplished in a shorter period of time. This is because the larger scale of production allows production to be completed more quickly. This reduces inventory and cash flow pressures on customers.

In contrast, lead times can be longer for small production runs. This is because equipment needs to be adjusted and set up for each production run, which requires time and labor.


High volume production of PCB may be more consistent in quality. Because parameters and processes can be more easily controlled during production, the risk of inconsistent quality is reduced.

While there may be quality challenges with low volume production, sometimes it is necessary. For example, certain customized or unique products may require small-lot production. In these cases, it may be wise to select a supplier that can provide high-quality small-lot production.


Small lot production is usually more flexible than large lot production. This is because small-lot production can adapt more quickly to changing needs and market trends. If product demand is rapidly changing or uncertain, then small lot production may be a better choice.

Overall, when choosing between high or low volume production, you need to weigh these factors and make the best decision for your specific needs. If your needs are large-scale, low-cost, and require high quality consistency, then high-volume production may be a better choice. However, if you need more flexibility to adapt to changing market demands or if your needs are smaller, then low volume production may be better for you.

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